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Tzu Chi Joins CSW68 | 2:57

Storytelling Empowers Youth at CSW68

March 20, 2024


Global Efforts

With more than half the global population under 30, it’s crucial to have them and their generations’ concerns included in decision-making processes. Despite being typically marginalized however, Tzu Chi seeks to bring power back to young voices with an NGO CSW parallel event hosted during CSW68 this March.

Called “Storytelling for Hope: Empowering Youth to Champion Gender Equality,” it brought roundtable-style discussions in small groups where each person had the chance to share. Of the format, Jadayah S. Muhammad, UN Representative of the International Youth Leadership Institute, said that “I love thinking about storytelling because it’s kind of one of the only ways that you get to see things through another person’s eyes.”

Eden Marish Roehr, Communications Associate at Voluntary Carbon Markets Integrity Initiative, agrees: “the story gives you that language that lets you imagine what is possible, and then kind  of move towards that vision. It’s so powerful.”

See more in our latest video* and explore our entire CSW68 activities at 

*Also featuring Joy Yang & Natalie Wright (Tzu Chi Representatives, International Youth Leadership Institute), Wantoe T. Wantoe (AFS Intercultural Programs), and Steve Chiu (Tzu Chi Representative to the UN).


Director: Daniel Ferrara
DP: Borja Campillo
Editor: Daniel Ferrara
Music: “Science Experiments” by LF_StockMusic, “Inspire” by Feetmusic


Tzu chi center , young leaders , gender equality , youth leadership , Youth empowerment , systems change , tackling systems , championing gender equality , storytelling , uplifting voices , change

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