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2023 Parliament of the World’s Religions | 1:48

It’s a Kid’s World at the 2023 PoWR

August 28, 2023


Interfaith Collaboration

At most major conferences, there is little room for children to do anything but explore and tag along with their parents if they accompany them. But, at the 2023 Parliament of the World’s Religions in Chicago, IL, Tzu Chi volunteers saw a unique opportunity for kids whose parents were attending or participating in the conference. They setup a designated children’s booth, with play area and arts and crafts activities available at all times.

One of the participants, Bhumika Bhatia, explained that “a plastic box… was cut into pieces and then we painted on it, and they heated it up, and now it’s a beautiful keepsake.”

With the plastic artwork kids could design themselves and turn into a keychain or some form of jewelry, children got to learn about the importance of giving plastic a second life. She added:

“We all know that plastics are really just ending up in landfills and they are not biodegradable, and we just keep adding on to it. I think this is a brilliant idea to recycle it [and] reuse it.”

Keep watching and see more from the 2023 PoWR at


Director: Daniel Ferrara
DP: Yanxin Piao
Editor: Yanxin Piao
Music: What About Sunrise by Roie Shpigler


Parliament of the World’s Religions , environmentalism , sustainability , plastics , plastic , plastic pollution , single-use plastic , Tzu Chi , Dharma , Tzu Chi USA , Illinois , Interfaith , Chicago , Parliament of Religions

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