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Tzu Chi at COP28 | 3:27

Promoting Mindful Food Consumption

December 18, 2023


Our Climate

With various members of Tzu Chi’s delegation to COP28 participating in side events related to food systems transformation, the message that the switch to vegetarianism and plant-based eating is becoming louder.

Tzu Chi Germany volunteer Mei Feng Lin explains that “gathering individuals from diverse organizations to collectively voice concerns about the same issue, food systems,” matters a great deal. And, this particular climate conference reflects just that.

For the first time ever, this year’s COP presidency has established an initiative to have climate-friendly foods, or 1.5°C-aligned menus, available across all food providers at COP28. That means more plant-based alternatives and vegetarian friendly dishes being served.

For Tzu Chi Germany’s Jan Wolf, “this is really some success which is coming from all the participants and all the people here at COP, by collaborating together.”

Mei Feng echoed this idea: “when spoken by one organization, the voice may seem weak. However, when various organizations promote vegetarianism on their panels, the power of our vegetarian message becomes stronger.”

Explore more about food systems in our latest video* and catch up on all our COP28 updates at

*Featuring appearances by Saphira Rameshfar (United Nations Representative, Baha’i International Community), Cliona Howie (Chief Executive Director, Foundation Earth), and Roy Steiner (Senior Vice President, Food Initiative, Rockefeller Foundation).


Director: Ting Fan
DP: Borja Campillo
Editor: Ting Fan
Music: hopes-and-dreams by evert-z Artlist.wav


un climate conference , global affairs , plant-based eating , interfaith dialogue , health and diet , nutrition , Climate Change , veganism , vegetarianism , United nations , food systems , Cop28 , unfccc

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