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From Then to Now: Tzu Chi USA’s 2024 Year in Review

January 3, 2025


Who We Are

We’ve come such a long way together!

As 2024 draws to a close, it’s a good time to reflect on what we’ve accomplished, both large and small, and look to the future. This year, our hot meal and food pantry programs assisted over 80,000 families across the U.S., and our mobile clinic care served 11,950 patients through 269 events. Tzu Chi volunteers launched tangible disaster relief for survivors across the nation and around the globe — from California, to Texas, Florida, North Carolina, Mexico, Brazil, and beyond. When it comes to education, Tzu Chi has made strides for our youths, too. Our fifth preschool will open in Long Island, New York, in 2025, and Tzu Chi’s scholarship program has helped students fulfill their dreams of going to college, getting good careers, and ultimately giving back to their communities. However, that’s just the beginning…

Thank you for joining hands with us. May love illuminate the way forward as we stride into 2025.


year in review , Tzu Chi , Disaster Relief , volunteer , Education , Charity , Healthcare , Food Pantry

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