They fled the advancing inferno with minutes to spare, some in the chaos of roads closing, others in the middle of the night, or airlifted by helicopter. Their shock was still palpable when our volunteers met them, after calling to invite them to a scheduled appointment to receive aid. Helping people impacted by such dramatic experiences decompress is part of the aid we offer, and it can mean the world at a time like this.
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They fled the advancing inferno with minutes to spare, some in the chaos of roads closing, others in the middle of the night, or airlifted by helicopter. Their shock was still palpable when our volunteers met them, after calling to invite them to a scheduled appointment to receive aid. Helping people impacted by such dramatic experiences decompress is part of the aid we offer, and it can mean the world at a time like this.
Follow our relief efforts on, Facebook and Twitter.
Donate now to support our disaster relief mission.