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After Hurricane Otis, Tzu Chi’s Relief Begins

January 5, 2024


Disaster Relief

At the start of 2024, Tzu Chi Relief volunteers were intent on providing hope to survivors of Hurricane Otis in Acapulco, Mexico .

After laying plans for large-scale distributions back in November, from January 5-7 they hosted these distributions at the Church of Our Lady of Fatima. On the first day alone, they served 1,183 distinct households.

For survivors like Yadira Abarca Castillo, losing her home and belongings was one thing; but, to have survived a near-death experience has taken a more complicated toll:

“[It was] ugly, very ugly. My house collapsed. I waited for all the trees to fall because if I’d gone out, I would’ve died with my daughter.”

Still emotional, she says that with the cash card she’s received from Tzu Chi, she’s going to purchase clothing, shoes, and some food to start. Despite the tough road that lies ahead, Yadira remains grateful:

“Thank God and thanks to you I’m receiving this support.”

See more in our latest video.*

*Also featuring Teresa Díaz Gómez and Teresa López Martinez.


Director: Marina Casas
DP: Michael Mazur
Editor: Ting Fan


Interfaith harmony , Volunteerism , disaster response , buddhism in action , nonprofit organization , tzu chi mexico , hurricane otis , acapulco , community , Disaster Relief , Volunteering , Tzu Chi USA , Mexico , Engaged Buddhism , Fundraiser

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