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CCBA and Tzu Chi Lift up Hualien Earthquake Relief

May 4, 2024


Disaster Relief

After devastating earthquakes struck Taiwan in early April, Tzu Chi USA quickly launched a fundraiser to bolster Tzu Chi’s on-the-ground relief efforts there. Among those who showed their support in droves were members of the #ChineseAmerican community—including the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association (CCBA) of Los Angeles.

On May 4, they paid a visit to our National HQ office in San Dimas, CA, where they sat down for a briefing of current efforts in Taiwan while also learning more about Tzu Chi’s expertise in the arena of disaster relief.

Of selecting Tzu Chi USA as their charity of choice, CCBA president Ernest K. Lee explained that our fundraiser’s donation match was a huge factor: “we know we can use the money to have a double effect… We know we’re in good hands.”

Keep watching.


Director: Jennifer Chien
DP: Piao
Music: Background by dimadjdocent


Tzu Chi , giving , Street Fundraising , Pay it forward , Engaged Buddhism , Compassion in Action , Fundraiser , philanthropy , Taiwan earthquake , generous gift , giving spirt , japan earthquake

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