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Step By Step Toward the Goal

November 15, 2023


Disaster Relief

When planning a disaster relief mission anywhere in the world, Tzu Chi volunteers rely on the help of local officials and community leaders to better understand the reality of the situation on the ground. In reverse, it also helps locals communicate the help they really need.

Meeting with Tzu Chi Relief volunteers back in November 2023 following Hurricane Otis, which pummeled Acapulco, Mexico in October, Secretary of Tourism of the State of Guerrero Santos Ramirez Cuevas explained that “these types of meetings allow us to give you a deeper insight into which groups of people will be more vulnerable than others.”

Maribel Moreno, Chief of Operations in Mexico at World Central Kitchen, too, has said that, “we appreciate associations like Tzu Chi that are joining to see in what way they can continue supporting.”

Yet, the needs of the people in Acapulco could not be more pressing. As Father Benjamín Carrillo Metódio (Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish Pie de la Cuesta) puts it, “what I see as urgent is the rebuilding, the reconstruction of life, of individuals, of families, because the hurricane has left us traumatized. We need to rebuild in every aspect.”

See more in the video and give what you can to support our relief efforts, happening this January at


Director: Héctor Muniente
DP: Borja Campillo
Editor: Héctor Muniente
Music: Snowflakes in the Sun by Russo
Additional notes (optional): Authorization Code (Automatically Generated):a9W4RUvUUYaqam3A


community , Disaster Relief , Volunteering , Tzu Chi USA , Mexico , Engaged Buddhism , Fundraiser , Interfaith harmony , Volunteerism , disaster response , buddhism in action , nonprofit organization , tzu chi mexico , hurricane otis , acapulco

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